Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Every day I wake up and check my phone to see if a principal has emailed me back or if I have a missed call from a number I don't recognize that may be from a school... worrying about a teaching job for the fall. This bothers me so bad that I spend so much time wondering and worrying about where I am going to be (and when I am going to be able to unpack my LIVING ROOM full of boxes and boxes of stuff from my classroom last year). If you know me, this really bothers me because I am a neat freak. Anyway, I constantly think about the school I taught at last year, and wish more than anything my position was still available. My principal and I have been keeping in touch and she is helping me out which is such a great thing. A few things are keeping me sane: 
1.My friends and family
2.That I still didn't have a job at this time last summer and I ended up at a fabulous school 
3.My step-mom, who sent me this email this morning referring to me being overwhelmed about not having a job:

I know sometimes we are overwhelmed by life's situations. But, try not to get stressed .....think positive....Everyday when you awake Tell God thank you for my great teaching position that you have for me...   I haven't received a teaching offer, but I know you have one for me! If God can create the whole world and take care of the birds He knows where you are and what you need too.

Hebrews 11:1  Now Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
God knows what we need before we ask...

So, now that I have read this, I have a more positive outlook on today. Well, at least more positive than usual. Thanks Donna!
Hope this helps some of y'all that may be overwhelmed too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! Thanks for your sweet comment! It led me straight to your blog, of which I am now a faithful follower! I'm sorry you are having such a hard time finding a job! I am still keeping my ears open for anything that comes up in Madison! You WILL find something- I know it! Hope you are enjoying your summer!